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Auswahl Variation of software systems has been well researched in product line engineering in terms of Variability Implementation Techniques VITs. While most VITs focus on the customization of traditional software systems, several VITs have been developed for service-oriented systems. In this paper, we discuss the problem of service customization and provide an overview of different VITs for service variability.
For this purpose, we will define four dimensions to describe, characterize and analyze existing VITs: the technical core idea, the object of variation, the forms of variation, and the binding time. Zusammenfassung Die Erfassung von Produktmetriken zur Laufzeit ist ein wesentlicher Baustein einer Qualitätsstrategie in der Produktentwicklung.
Die Erfassung von Produktmetriken in der Entwicklung ist jedoch oft mit signifikantem Aufwand verbunden, da viele Werkzeuge nur bestimmte Eigenschaften erfassen können und ihre Verwendung oft sehr komplex ist.
Darüber hinaus entsteht durch die Durchführung der Messung meist ein signifikanter Laufzeit-Overhead. Zusammenfassung Variability modeling is essential for defining and managing the commonalities and variabilities in software product lines.
Numerous variability modeling approaches exist today to support domain and application engineering activities. Most are based on feature modeling FM or decision modeling DM but so far no systematic comparison exists between these two major classes of approaches. Over the last two decades many new features have been added to both FM and DM and it is a tough decision which approach to use for what purpose. This paper clarifies the relation between FM and DM. We aim to systematize the research field of variability modeling and to explore potential synergies.
We compare multiple Body Engineers Diätplaner Tool of FM and DM ranging from historical origins and rationale, through syntactic and semantic richness, to tool support, identifying commonalities and differences. We hope that this effort will improve the understanding of the range of approaches to variability modeling by discussing the possible variations. This will provide insights to users considering adopting variability modeling in practice and to designers of new languages, such as the new OMG Common Variability Language.
Zusammenfassung The open variability of software product line ecosystems allows customers and third party organizations to create extensions to a system which may refine the variability model.
In this paper we will describe an approach to evolution support, which was developed in the context of one specific company, HIS GmbH. However, the approach is much more generic than this. In particular, it is based on the formalization of modifications to configuration values and constraints on both the model and the data in the context of the evolution of multi-level configurations.
Our approach supports the identification of inconsistencies in evolution. Zusammenfassung Most research in product line engineering focuses on the domain engineering phase. In this research we focus on how the configuration activity within application engineering can be supported to achieve sufficient efficiency.
We aim to provide a broad overview of the potential research landscape where we also discuss the actual coverage of the field by research work. As a result, we do not Body Engineers Diätplaner Tool provide an overview of the field, but do also describe several potential research approaches that have so far received very little attention. So far, the combination of cloud computing with PLE techniques has hardly been discussed. In this paper, we discuss different approaches to cloud computing and their relation to product line technologies.
We also describe both, specific opportunities and drawbacks, of these approaches. We also provide a discussion of different combinations of these approaches as a way to combine their strengths. Over the years, a couple of different modeling paradigms with a plethora of different approaches have been proposed. However, only little attention was spend to compare these concepts. In this paper, we compare the capabilities and expressiveness of basic feature modeling with basic decision modeling.
In this paper, we also present a formalization of basic decision modeling and show that in combination with a powerful constraint language both approaches are equivalent, while in their very basic forms they are not equivalent. These results can be used to transfer existing research results between the two paradigms. Zusammenfassung Product lines are usually built for the long term in order to repay the initial investment. While long-term stable software systems are already hard, if they are developed individually, it is even harder for complete product lines.
At the time a new product line is created, the details of future product line characteristics are typically not known, no matter how well and detailed scoping and planning is done.
Thus, any product line needs to evolve and adapt over time to incorporate new customer requirements as well as new technology constraints. Stability of the product line architecture is very important to the successful long-term evolution of a product line. In this paper, we discuss how a form of domain decomposition, which we call conceptual architecture, can be used to guide product line engineering towards long-term viability.
We will illustrate this approach in the context of a large-scale product line development and analyze the evolution properties of the product line. Transferability of the approach is suggested to other embedded software systems that drive mature, well-understood physical control system.
Zusammenfassung [Context and motivation] While requirements engineering earlier focused on gathering requirements, it has been recognized today that creativity and innovation are required as a basis for novel products. Here, we focus on a thorough validation of the approach. Here, Body Engineers Diätplaner Tool show an evaluation of this approach. We find that the approach provides better results than other existing creativity techniques like random triggers.
It also shows how a controlled experiment to analyze creativity in requirements engineering can be performed. Zusammenfassung In a software ecosystem with open variability customers create their own products based on a reuse infrastructure provided by a development company. While an open approach has many benefits, it brings along a number of specific issues, especially related to evolution. In this problem statement we discuss some of the issues that arise in merging local variabilities with evolved versions of the reuse infrastructure of the development organization.
In our discussion we focus on information systems, inspired by the situation of a specific company. Zusammenfassung It has been shown that product line engineering can significantly improve the productivity, quality and time-to-market of software development by leveraging extensive reuse.
Variability models are currently the most advanced approach to define, document and manage the commonalities and variabilities of reusable artifacts such as software components, requirements, test cases, etc.
These models provide the basis for automating the derivation of new products and are thus the key artifact to leverage the flexibility and adaptability of systems in a product line.
Among the existing approaches to variability modeling feature modeling and decision modeling have gained most importance. A significant amount of research exists on comparing and analyzing different feature modeling approaches. However, despite their significant role in product line research and practical applications, only little effort has been devoted to compare and analyze decision modeling approaches. In order to address this shortcoming and to provide a basis for more structured research on decision modeling in the future, we present a comparative analysis of representative approaches.
We identify their major modeling concepts and present an analysis of their commonalities and variabilities. Zusammenfassung Im modernen Requirements Engineering werden Anforderungen nicht nur erfasst, sondern gestaltet.
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Entsprechend ist Innovation in der Anforderungsgewinnung eine wichtige Aufgabe, die entscheidenden Einfluss auf den Produkterfolg hat. Doch können innovative Ideen systematisch entwickelt werden? Frühere Fallstudien zeigten bereits, dass dies möglich ist. In diesem Beitrag zeigen wir, dass der kreative Nutzen einzelner Techniken mit empirischen Methoden systematisch analysiert und belegt werden kann. The tool enables SPL engineers to reduce complexity by combining derivation and composition techniques to manage one large SPL as a combination of individual, but interrelated SPLs.
Zusammenfassung Software Product Line Engineering is inherently complex. This complexity increases further if multiple product line infrastructures are composed to yield the final products, an approach sometimes referred to as Multi Software Product Lines MSPL. In this paper, we present an approach that targets this development scenario.
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The approach we present here aims at a lightweight, scalable, and practical approach to variability management for multi software product lines. Our approach explicitly supports heterogeneous product lines, i. The approach has been implemented in the EASy-Producer tool set and applied on some case studies.
Zusammenfassung The variability model is a central artifact in product line engineering. Existing approaches typically treat this as a single centralized artifact which describes the configuration of other artifacts. This approach is very problematic in distributed development as a monolithic variability model requires significant coordination among the involved development teams.
This holds in particular if multiple independent organizations are involved. At this point very little work exists that explicitly supports variability modeling in a distributed setting. In this paper we address the question how existing, real-world, large-scale projects deal with this problem as a source of inspiration on how to deal with this in variability management. Zusammenfassung Softwareentwickelnde Unternehmen sind heute meist auf Produkte fokussiert, die sie immer wieder in ähnlicher Weise realisieren Finanzinformationssysteme, Motorensteuerungen etc.
Entsprechend können diese Unternehmen signifikante Vorteile erzielen, falls es ihnen gelingt, ähnliche Funktionalität jeweils nur einmal zu entwickeln und in mehreren Produkten wiederzuverwenden. Produktlinienentwicklungsansätze unterstützen genau dies und führen so zu deutlichen Vorteilen in Bezug auf Kosten, Qualität und Entwicklungszeit, wie Industrieerfahrungen zeigen [3, 7].
Produktlinienansätze unterscheiden sich von anderen Softwareentwicklungsansätzen vor allem darin, dass sie auf die integrierte Entwicklung einer Menge von Systemen Produkten abzielen,während klassische Ansätze den Fokus auf Einzelsysteme legen. Zusammenfassung Traditionell wird die Anforderungserhebung vor allem als eine reine Erfassung existierender Wünsche gesehen. In letzter Zeit setzt sich jedoch die Ansicht durch, dass Anforderungen für neue Produkte meist erst entwickelt werden müssen; Anforderungserhebung also mit Innovation verbunden ist.
Damit ist auch das Interesse an der Unterstützung von Kreativität in der Anforderungserhebung stark gewachsen. Kreativitätsunterstützung wird meist im Zusammenhang mit moderierten Workshops gesehen.
Hier stellen wir jedoch einen Ansatz dar, bei dem ein Assistenzsystem basierend auf modelliertem Wissen versucht zusätzliche Anhaltspunkte für die kreative Entwicklung von Anforderungen zu geben.
Zusammenfassung Die Anpassung von Anforderungswerkzeugen an den Projektkontext ist im Regelfall durch die Anpassungsfähigkeiten des jeweiligen Werkzeuges stark eingeschränkt. In diesem Beitrag stellen wir einen generativen Ansatz zur Anpassung von Anforderungswerkzeugen vor und demonstrieren den Ansatz im Rahmen einer Fallstudie.
Unser Ansatz ermöglicht die einfache, zielgerichtete und weitreichende Anpassung an die Anwendungssituation. Die Entscheidung einer Entwicklungsorganisation für ein konkretes Modellierungswerkzeug ist bedeutsam für das ganze Unternehmen. Im Regelfall zieht eine derartige Entscheidung empfindliche Kosten nach sich, z.
Lizenzkosten stellen dabei oft nur einen geringen Anteil der tatsächlichen Kosten für ein Werkzeug dar. Die vorliegende Studie ist zurzeit der wohl umfassendste Vergleich von UML Werkzeugen und stellt damit ein geeignetes Hilfsmittel dar, um zu einer rationalen Entscheidung über einzusetzende Werkzeuge zu gelangen.
Der Schwerpunkt dieser Studie liegt auf der Umsetzung von Modellierungfähigkeiten durch die Werkzeuge, d. Um die UML Modellierungsfähigkeiten detailliert prüfen zu können, wurde die UML Spezifikation in Merkmale aufgegliedert, die individuell für jedes betrachtete Werkzeug geprüft wurden.
Eine detaillierte Aufschlüsselung verknüpft die für jedes Werkzeug identifizierten Fähigkeiten mit den Anforderungen, die von der UML für einzelne Diagrammtypen gemacht werden. Auf diese Weise kann die Anwendbarkeit eines konkreten Werkzeuges für einen gegebenen Anwendungskontext schnell überprüft werden. Zusammenfassung In competitive markets product innovation becomes a major issue for companies.
Many creativity techniques have been proposed over time to improve creativity. In this paper, we discuss a platform and a specific reasoning approach to support product innovation. This reasoning approach is based on a specific form of heuristic or almost correct reasoning, most instances rely on analogies. Runtime variability is typically interpreted as binding variation points at runtime.
We emphasize meta-variability as an important dimension of runtime variability in DSPL. Whereas dynamic binding considers the runtime de activation of variants within the scope of a given variability Rücknahme der Regel durch plötzlichen Gewichtsverlust, meta-variability considers runtime changes to the variability model itself. Meta-variability is essential to support longlived software products that are subject to evolution. The contribution of this paper is threefold.
First, we introduce a way to model meta-variability in DSPL in an explicit manner. Second, we put forward a meta-variability meta model that extends the variability meta model with concepts that explicitly support meta-variability. Third, we capture and apply metavariability in an industrial DSPL for automated transportation systems.
Zusammenfassung In this paper, we discuss creativity as a form of learning from the perspective of idea generation in the creative process. We analyze forms of creativity and present the statement-based creativity techniques.
Based on these concepts a tool prototype IdeaTrigger is presented and verified. It shows the advantages for innovative activity, especially in collaborative environment. Zusammenfassung The Unified Modeling Language UML has been widely adopted in industrial software engineering as the reference standard for software and systems modeling. A wide range of different tools have been developed both by industrial vendors as well as by the open source community. However, due to the complexity of the UML specification it is very difficult for a single tool to support the full range of UML standards faithfully.
In practice tools differ significantly in terms of the parts of the UML specification they support. When tools do not fully implement the UML specification, the user might be locked-in to a modeling tool, e.
These compatibility problems also have significant impact on the effectiveness of model-driven development approaches. Compliance, as defined by the UML standard, is intended to characterize tools and to highlight such problems.
In this paper we describe an approach to asses the UML compliance levels of modeling tools. Using UML definition of compliance, we could only identify 4 out of 68 tools as being acceptable. Zusammenfassung Dynamic Software Product Lines DSPL focuses on product lines where the resolution of variants happens at a later point in time, ideally at runtime.
While runtime reconfiguration is still rather innovative, preconfiguration of software systems is well established and to some degree even standardized.
Thus, we study such preconfiguration approaches to better understand how their capabilities relate to classical product line engineering on one hand and to dynamic software product lines on the other. Zusammenfassung Die Evolution einzelner Systeme ist bereits relativ komplex, doch alle diese Probleme findet man potenziert in einer Produktlinienentwicklung.
Zusätzlich zu den Einzelsystemproblemen treten weitere Schwierigkeiten hinzu. In diesem Beitrag gehen wir auf die Herausforderungen der Produktliniensituation ein und legen unser Augenmerk vor allem auf die Situation verteilter Evolution. Wir stellen einen möglichen Ansatz zur Lösung vor. Zusammenfassung Developing innovative products is an important challenge for companies these days.
Meanwhile it is in requirements engineering widely recognized that requirements elicitation has to go beyond mere recording of knowledge, rather is has to be an active process where new ideas are created. Thus, creativity is an important issue in requirements engineering. While so far tool support for creativity focused mainly on recording the creative outcome or providing relevant knowledge, we will describe an approach where tool support is used to actively support people in the creation of ideas.
Zusammenfassung Software product line engineering aims at achieving systematic reuse by exploiting commonalities among related products Body Engineers Diätplaner Tool order to reduce cost and time-to market.
Before adopting this approach, organizations are likely to estimate the benefits they can expect to achieve and the level of investment required to transition to product line engineering.
Several economic models and analysis approaches have been developed in order to help make a sound business case. There is a need to review the existing approaches in order to better understand the overall landscape of economic models. To this objective, this paper provides an overview of some existing economic models and discusses important issues and directions in product line economic modeling.
Zusammenfassung In the past, formatting guidelines have proved to be a successful method to improve the readability of source code.
With the increasing success of visual specification languages such as UML for model-driven software engineering visual guidelines are needed to standardize the presentation and the exchange of modeling diagrams with respect to human communication, understandability and readability. In this article, we introduce a new and encompassing taxonomy of visual guidelines capturing the aestheticquality of UMLclassdiagrams.
We propose these guidelines as a framework to improve the aestheticquality and thus the understandability of UMLclassdiagrams. To validate this claim, we describe in detail a controlled experiment carried out as a pilot study to gather preliminary insights on the effects of some of the guideline rules on the understandability of UMLclassdiagrams. Zusammenfassung Ziel der Anforderungserhebung ist es Anforderungen des Kunden korrekt und vollständig zu erfassen.
Doch oft ist auch dem Kunden nicht bewusst, wie eine Lösung aussehen kann. Hier haben sich Kreativitätstechniken als guter Ansatz gezeigt, um die Entwicklung einer Systemvision zu unterstützen.
Zusammenfassung Die wirtschaftliche Bedeutung von Flexibilität und Adaptivität wächst. Viele Techniken wie Produktlinienentwicklung oder Service-orientierte Architekturen wurden entwickelt, um mit dieser Herausforderung Body Engineers Diätplaner Tool. Aber auch Fragestellungen der Softwareevolution sind von Bedeutung.
Die genannten Techniken und Entwicklungsansätze haben auch Auswirkungen auf das Requirements Engineering. Dieser Artikel stellt erste Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit vor. Zusammenfassung In this paper, we describe EASy-producer, a prototypical production environment for software product lines SPLin particular for the realization of adaptive systems and dynamic SPL.
Zusammenfassung While the traditional focus of requirements engineering was mainly on the systematic, reliable and adequate translation of the customers intentions into requirements documentation, it became recently increasingly accepted that requirements engineering, especially for innovative and novel products, is probably more adequately described as a process of joint discovery of requirements that can be supported by creativity techniques.
However, so far little work exists on how to systematically select techniques as a basis for requirements engineering. As part of the IdSpace Project, which focuses on collaborative product innovation, we are currently investigating this area.
This paper provides a brief overview of our work in this domain. Zusammenfassung Produktlinien sind heute in vielen Bereichen der Software-Industrie vertreten. Dennoch bergen sie für viele Unternehmen noch bedeutende Herausforderungen und Risiken.
Der Workshop beleuchtet aktuelle Erfahrungen mit Produktlinien und bietet ein Forum für den Dialog zwischen Praxis und anwendungsorientierter Forschung. Im Mittelpunkt steht das Wechselspiel zwischen technischen Fragestellungen und den geschäftlichen, organisatorischen und Prozessaspekten. Zusammenfassung In this paper, we introduce the concept of metavariability, i. While the main focus of this paper is on the introduction of the concept, we will also illustrate the concept by providing a case study.
The case study will feature a simple implementation environment based on aspect-oriented programming and will include an example that will exhibit some key characteristics of the envisioned production process. Zusammenfassung Software product lines are, by their very nature, complex software systems. Due to the interconnectedness of the various products in the product line any form of evolution becomes significantly more complex than in a single system situation.
So far most work on product line evolution has focused on specific approaches to supporting special cases of the evolution problem. In this paper, we take a different approach and provide a broad taxonomy of requirements-driven evolution in software product lines. This serves as a basis for the identification of requirements on evolution support.
Zusammenfassung Software ist ein entscheidender Wertschöpfungs- und Kostenfaktor in industriellen Produkten. Dies gilt sowohl für Informationssysteme als auch für eingebettete Systeme wie Anlagensteuerungen oder Automobilkomponenten.
Systematische Produktlinienentwicklung hat sich als probates Mittel erwiesen, gleichzeitig Kosten und Fehlerzahl zu senken. Zusammenfassung The Software Engineering Institute SEI defines an SPL as a set of software-intensive systems that share a common, managed set of features satisfying the specific needs of a particular market segment or mission. A fundamental principle of SPLs is variability management, which involves separating the product line into three parts - common components, parts common to some but not all products, and individual products with their own specific requirements - and managing these throughout development.
Using SPLs seeks to maximize reusable variation and eliminate wasteful generic development of components used only once. Although traditional SPL engineering recognizes that variation points are bound at different stages of development, and possibly also at runtime, it typically binds variation points before delivery of the software.
In contrast, DSPL engineers typically aren't concerned with pre-runtime variation points. However, they recognize that in practice mixed approaches might be viable, where some variation points related to the environment's static properties are bound before runtime and others related to the dynamic properties are bound at runtime.
Viele Techniken wie Produktlinienentwicklung oder Service-orientierte Systeme wurden entwickelt, um mit dieser Herausforderung umzugehen. Zusammenfassung Technical systems are increasingly becoming an imminent part of human life. A growing trend is that systems are embedded in technical devices and working continuously without human intervention. However, this implies that these systems run for a long time without human control.
As the environment changes, the systems need to adapt themselves. One approach to address these challenges is the use of service-oriented development paradigms. This paper highlights the challenges and research issues in the context of engineering adaptable, service-oriented systems. Challenges are identified based on the development plane they might appear in i.
We finish by discussing in detail the expected benefits and open research issues. Zusammenfassung Basically all companies today go beyond the development of single products and offer set s of similar and related products. In marketing, one such set is often called a product line. Nevertheless, still today most products are not yet engineered as product lines, i.
In this paper, we will explore the relation of these two forms of product lines. It is shown that under certain circumstances Engineered and Marketed Software Product Line subsume different products.
This paper shows how these two perspectives differ and why a difference in products between these perspectives may be appropriate from a company perspective.
Finally, it is argued that activities currently subsumed under Product Management and Scoping should be closely coordinated, allowing companies to optimize their product portfolios since decision-making is facilitated. Zusammenfassung The key idea of software product lines is the integrated development of a set of products, exploiting commonalities and variabilities among the products to achieve high levels of reuse.
The commercial potential of this approach has already been demonstrated in numerous case studies. However, while requirements management tools are already widespread, the range of professional tool support for product line development is still very poor. In this paper we analyze the question whether and how existing requirement management tools can be seamlessly extended to product line development. Zusammenfassung The goal of this article is to call attention to an area that is yet not sufficiently researched: product management for software product lines SPLs.
Many companies developing standardized software products have adopted product management as a function that coordinates research and development, marketing, sales, and software development.
Even though this function coordinates all of these areas, it Rücknahme der Regel durch plötzlichen Gewichtsverlust traditionally mainly a marketing function and often organized as part of the marketing department. This may be sufficient for "normal" software products, but not in a SPL context, as we will discuss here. Zusammenfassung The first step of requirements engineering is always: deciding what to build.
While it may seem trivial, it is sometimes the hardest step in the whole project. In this report, we illustrate some experiences with a miniature creativity session that focused on the what-to-build question.
The very limited time frame allowed at the same time very detailed controlling of the overall results. Thus, we can provide here quantitative results on the success of the workshop. Zusammenfassung This report describes the reference model underlying the transformation between different models and the traceability between the same.
Zusammenfassung This report describes mapping of several requirements engineering models to the ForPICS reference model.
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Zusammenfassung Over the last few years, product line engineering has become a major theme in software engineering research, and is increasingly becoming a central topic of software engineering practice in the embedded domain.
Migrating towards a product line approach is not an easy feat. It is even less so, if it is done under tight technology constraints in an embedded environment.
It becomes even more difficult if the transition directly aims at integrating two product families into a single product population. In this paper, we discuss our experiences with a project where we successfully dealt with these difficulties and achieved a successful product Body Engineers Diätplaner Tool transition.
In our paper, we strongly emphasize the role of technology transfer, as many facets of product line know-how had to be transferred to guarantee a complete transition to product line engineering.
From the experiences of this project many lessons learned can be deduced, which can be transferred to different environments. Zusammenfassung Software product lines can effectively facilitate large-scale reuse and can thus bring about order of magnitude improvements in terms of time to market TTMcosts, and quality. This comes at the price of a more complex development environment in which many interdependencies are created through shared generic assets.
Owing to this complexity, the specific strategy chosen for product line development can be expected to have a strong impact on the benefits that can be gained from product line development. This is systematically studied in this work, as we vary different strategies and apply them to various forms of products lines. On the basis of the analysis of the performed simulations, we were able to determine Body Engineers Diätplaner Tool, heuristic strategies to the integrated management of the product line.
As a result of the analysis, we identify strategies and guidelines that can be employed by practitioners in order to improve the success of their management of a software product line.
Zusammenfassung This report describes an approach for extraction of product line requirements based on existing user documentation. The approach we describe in this report supports capturing of the information found in user documentation of legacy systems, e. The main goal of the approach is expert load reduction; as we found out during our product line technology activities at IESE that the domain experts are a serious bottleneck during the product line scoping and modeling activities.
The approach is based on a variability modeling approach that allows integrating arbitrary modeling formalisms to capture the extracted requirements in a product line model. We propose a conceptual model describing the transition from user documentation to product line artifacts describing common and variable elements of a product line model.
The approach uses extraction patterns that allow an easyidentification of text elements in user documents. The pattern are then used to create a significant part of the requirements specification and product line model, respectively and we present an extraction process that guides the user in using the pattern.
The case studies have shown that the approach is applicable to information systems and embedded systems and that it produces relatively complete and correct results. With one of our case studies that was performed in real industrial settings we could not only show expert load reduction when applying the approach but also an overall time saving when applying the approach for product line scoping.
A predecessor of this report with a different focus can be found in [JD03b]. Zusammenfassung This report provides insights into component-based product line engineering on the basis of a case study from the mobile phones domain.
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Scoping as well as Application and Framework Engineering are covered. Our goal was to provide as broad an overview as possible. For that reason many details haven been intentionally left out. In our paper we strongly emphasize the role of technology transfer, as many facets of product line know-how had to be transferred to guarantee a complete transition to product line engineering.
Zusammenfassung In this paper we describe synergies and conflicts between the two at first sight incompatible fields Usability engineering and Product Line Engineering.
We describe how both fields can benefit from each other and give requirements on an approach that covers both usability and product line aspects. Zusammenfassung In diesem Artikel haben wir einen Ansatz zur effizienten Identifikation und Dokumentation von nichtfunktionalen Anforderungen vorgestellt, der insbesondere zur Erfassung von Zuverlässigkeits- und Sicherheitsanforderungen eingesetzt wird.
Der Ansatz beruht auf erfahrungsoptimierten Qualitätsmodellen, Templates und Checklisten, die projektübergreifend eingesetzt werden. Diese werden in einer Tailoringphase an das jeweilige Projekt angepasst. Die Vorteile des Ansatzes gegenüber anderen Techniken zur Identifikation nichtfunktionaler Anforderungen sind: - Geringer Aufwand, durch Workshopformat, Fokussierung auf Kernanforderungen und vielfältige, erfahrungsbasierte Vorgaben - Verbesserungsorientierung durch die integrierte Iteration der Ausgangsdokumente - Testbarkeit durch die Fokussierung auf messbare NFRs.
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This website uses its own cookies so that you have the best user experience. In this tutorial, we will focus on its textual variability modeling capabilities as well as its configuration and validation functionality. Further, we will provide an outlook on Rücknahme der Regel durch plötzlichen Gewichtsverlust EASy-Producer can be applied to variability instantiation. These products share a common infrastructure but vary with respect to their individual capabilities, called variabilities.
Variability management is a key part of SPLE and is responsible for developing, combining and configuring such variabilities. As these activities are inherently complex, SPLE significantly benefits from tool-support. The resulting tool, called EASy-Producer, extends the Eclipse IDE by the capability to support the creation and management of software product line projects.
To provide this capability, EASy-Producer utilizes the extension concepts of the Eclipse platform and integrates additional frameworks, like Xtext. In this paper, we share our experience while applying the Eclipse technologies and, in particular, realizing specific capabilities of our tool using the Eclipse framework.
The focus of this paper is on our lessons learned regarding managing workspace information and conflicting build mechanism as well as using Eclipse extensions outside of Eclipse. These lessons serve as an input to the Eclipse community and may help other developers in realizing a complex Eclipse extension. However, various additional capabilities are required, taking into account the software ecosystem characteristics. In order to address these specific needs, we developed the Integrated Variability Modeling Language IVML for describing configurations of variability-rich software ecosystems.
IVML is a variability modeling and configuration language along with accompanying reasoning facilities. It has been applied in several industrial case studies, showing its practical applicability both Rücknahme der Regel durch plötzlichen Gewichtsverlust a stability and a capability point of view. The tool set integrates both, interactive configuration capabilities and a DSL-based approach to variability modeling, configuration definition and product derivation.
The goal of the tutorial is to provide the participants with an overview of the tool. However, the main focus will be on a brief introduction of the DSLs. After participating in the tutorial, the participants will understand the capabilities of the toolset and will have a basic practical understanding of how to use it to define software ecosystems and derive products from them. Graphical or table-based approaches to variability modeling are focused around abstract models and specialized tools to interact with these models.
However, more recently textual variability modeling languages, comparable to some extent to programming languages, were introduced. We consider the recent trend in product line engineering towards textual variability modeling languages as a phenomenon, which deserves deeper analysis. In this article, we report on the results and approach of a literature survey combined with an expert study. In the literature survey, we identified 11 languages, which enable the textual specification of product line variability and which are sufficiently described for an in-depth analysis.
We provide a classification scheme, useful to describe the range of capabilities of such languages. Initially, we identified the relevant capabilities of these languages from a literature survey. The result of this has been refined, validated and partially improved by the expert survey. A second recent phenomenon in product line variability modeling is the increasing scale of variability models. Some authors of textual variability modeling languages argue that these languages are more appropriate for large-scale models.
As a consequence, we would expect specific capabilities addressing scalability in the languages. Thus, we compare the capabilities of textual variability modeling techniques, if compared to graphical variability modeling approaches and in particular to analyze their specialized capabilities for large-scale models.
In this process, two major types of decisions must be addressed: variability decisions, i. In practice, variability decisions often overlap with or influence architectural decisions. For instance, resolving a variability may enable or prevent some architectural options.
This inherent interdependence has not been explicitly and systematically targeted in the literature, and therefore, is mainly resolved in an ad hoc and informal manner today. In this paper, we discuss possible ways how variability and architectural decisions interact, as well as their management and integration in a systematic manner. We demonstrate the integration between the two types of decisions in a motivating case and leverage existing tools for implementing our proposal.
Further capabilities are required when product lines are combined to software ecosystems, i. In this paper, we describe EASy-Producer, a prototypical tool set for the development of software product lines in general and variant-rich ecosystems in particular. To support the product line engineer, EASy-Producer differentiates between simplified views limiting the capabilities and expert views unleashing its full power.
We will discuss how these two views support the definition of variability models, the derivation of product configurations and the instantiation of artifacts. Some authors report on variability models specifying several thousands of variabilities. However, traditional variability modeling approaches do not seem to scale adequately to cope with size and complexity of such models.
Recently, textual variability modeling languages have been advocated as one scalable solution. Kalorienzähler Ernährung Diät-Planer A5 Drahtgebunden Journal Gewichtsverlust Mit Weight Watchers, Body Change und anderen Abnehmprogrammen.
D, Requirements Engineering Framework, Language and Tools for analyze a large body of relevant approaches for customizing service.
Konfiguration · Scrum · Diätplaner · Stundenplaner · Verzeichnisabgleich EASy-Producer is an open-source research toolset for engineering product In software engineering, we often produce unique tools for In this paper, we aim at analyzing the existing body of knowledge on product line scoping. These body analyzers help you reaching your goal weight and analysing your body.
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Professor Dr. The case studies have shown that the approach is applicable to information systems and embedded systems and that it produces relatively complete and correct results.